Therion�s Technology Platform
Therion�s therapeutic vaccines are based on three key elements that can be combined through genetic engineering to generate multiple products:

  • Pox virus vectors that have an established safety profile in humans and can simultaneously express multiple proteins to stimulate the body�s own immune system to fight cancer.
  • Genes encoding tumor-specific antigens that stimulate and direct the immune system to specifically target cancer cells.
  • Genes encoding co-stimulatory molecules and immune-modulating proteins that enhance immune responses
Therion�s product candidates are based on proprietary pox virus vectors that have the ability to accommodate and express multiple foreign genes. These vectors are engineered to carry combinations of tumor-associated antigens and other genes, such as co-stimulatory molecules that are capable of enhancing immune system response to optimize a patient�s ability to fight cancer. Therion�s unique development approach enables the rapid generation and clinical evaluation of several product candidates and provides a cost-effective means for identifying new vaccine candidates.

Therion's Approach
Technology Platform
Pox Virus Vectors
Tumor Antigens &
Co-stimulatory Molecules

Click here to view a slide animating how Therion’s cancer vaccines work.

Therion generates its vaccines using pox virus vectors, which are engineered to carry genes encoding tumor-specific antigens and co-stimulatory molecules. Upon vaccine administration the vectors are intended to deliver these genes to antigen presenting cells (APCs). This delivery signals APCs to express the antigen(s) and co-stimulatory molecules, stimulating an increased recruitment of helper T-cells. The helper cells in turn recruit targeted cytotoxic T-cells (CTLs) involved in CTL-mediated tumor destruction.

Copyright © Therion Biologics Corporation.